
you can commission me to create a personal linocut prinT or edition...


It all begins with your idea. Maybe you have a photograph or image you’d like to have made into a relief print. Perhaps you wish to have a linocut created of a special place and offer prints to family and friends… Whether you are looking for a gift, a wedding favour, Christmas cards or a special print for yourself, please get in touch.



Each commissioned project will incur a different cost, depending on size, detail, size of edition etc. My costs are fair (I need to heat my home, but I don’t expect a maid to light the fire!). Approximate cost breakdown for 1-2 colour prints up to A3 size, is as follows: Materials £20-30/ Design+Prep at £32/hr/ Carving+Printing at £32/hr /Overheads at 10% previous costs.

This is an approximate breakdown wherein the commissioner (you) would have major input to the brief and would receive the first two prints of a small edition. Further prints of the edition could be purchased thereafter. For reproduction/other use of artworks, a licence must be purchased.

Again, do contact me with any ideas and questions you might have. I am happy to create charity commissions at a discounted price.